About Us

Idea Muffin is a webshow designed to share inspiring stories and tips in hopes that you might take away a “muffin” of your own. We hope to enlighten and encourage through stories of real ideas as well as tech and finance tips, all baked into to a few minutes each week.

Join us Mondays at IdeaMuffin.blogspot.com for a new episode each week!

0 calories. 100% inspired.

Casey Burke Bunn

I’ve lived in Richmond for 20 years, bought the house I grew up in and married my hero, Colin, who’s a firefighter and fitness instructor. I have a background in sales and a degree from Virginia Commonwealth University. I started my business, RSVPhere.com, in March of 2008 to help non-RSVPers like you and me (be honest, you don’t RSVP). In the last couple of years I’ve met a tons of other people who also had great ideas. I am truly inspired by the things people imagine and intrigued by next steps they take! I started this web show to promote creativity and learning, success and growth. Each month we’ll have a new co-host sharing their ideas. I hope you enjoy and bake up your own idea muffin ;).